Clipping hair since '95.

My name is Jaime Guerra and I am the owner of Blades and Strop. I was born and raised here in the beautiful city of Del Rio, Texas. I was about 13 years old when inspiration just hit me like a train. I ended up borrowing a set of clippers from a buddy of mine and never gave them back, my bad. I guess you can say things got a little serious after that. That was the first time I ever even picked up a set of clippers and attempted to cut hair, well my own hair at least. I would practice pretty much every single day on myself. Once I started to see my progress, I built up the courage to practice on friends and familiy. As a teenager a group of friends and myself would just hang out and I started to practice more and more on them as time went by. I’m 38 now, licensed of course, and a long way from bowl haircuts, buzzcuts and borrowed clippers. I’m literally setting the foundation for my future, my legacy, a place I can finally call my own. 10 or 20 years from now, God willing, I’d like to have a happy, healthy and well established shop and I hope to see you all there someday!

- Jaime Guerra -